What are Hammer, Claw and Mallet Toes?
- Toes are vital to walking and stability and other daily activities
- Deformities of the toes are common, in fact, they may be already deforming without you noticing
- Occurs due to various reasons :
▪ Muscle imbalance causing ligaments and tendons to become unnaturally tight, Arthritis, Diabetes, Neurological disorders, ill fitting shoes that are too “short” or with pointed tips - They can lead to Hammer/Claw toes:
▪ A hammer toe is a deformity of the middle joint of a toe, producing a clenched, claw like appearance
▪ Resembles a pirate hook - Mallet Toes
▪ End joint of a toe becomes bent downward, so that the toe curls underneath itself, usually for those with long toes. - How they are affecting you:
▪ Your toe are clenched and stays in a painful position once muscles on your toes “adapts”
▪ Redness or painful corns on the top of the affected toe due to the constant rubbing against footwear
▪ Pain that interferes with your walking, jogging, dancing, and other normal activities, possibly leading to changing of walking posture, which can lead to further medical issues
How can Carnation Gel Toe Support help you?
- Restore, maintain and even extend your standing and walking hours.
- You can wear them during sports or just walking around in town and in the office. You can even wear them bare footed!
- You won’t even realize that they are between your toes due to the smooth to touch material.
- INSTANTLY relieves the pain due to deformity
- Prevents skin breakdown due to constant rubbing and pressure from your footwear
- Realign your toes and prevent expensive surgery and more pain
- Small enough to help you with your toes and be worn with all your footwear
- Long lasting and inexpensive compared to surgery
- Washable and reusable so it lasts longer than other standard padding and not smell