Author Archives: okeanos

Why Marriage Is Like Wearing A Pair of Shoes

Today’s blog post is contributed by Miss Ivy Chen, owner of Solo Per Te Hand Made Shoes. This is a very old topic. Marriage has been always compared to wearing a new and different pair of shoes. You enter into a new stage in your life and a part of your maturity. Like marriage, as you grow out of your worn-out old pair of shoes, you will need a new one to fit them in perfectly.

5 tips for keeping our feet healthy in Singapore’s hot weather

Whether it’s playing in the water, riding bikes/skateboards, or simply sun tanning at the beach, it is always to get some sun and vitamin D. However, while Singapore’s temperature getting higher and higher and the heat getting unbearable, most people pay more attention to the rest of their body and often forgot about the importance of protecting our feet.

The Top 3 Causes of Cracked Heels For Singaporeans

Cracked heels are THE most common foot problem. When the sensitive skin on the bottom of the feet and heels becomes too dry, it can split open, leaving painful cracks called fissures on our heels. Cracked Heels happen when our heel pad needs to expand outward. But when our skin is too tight and dry, the skin will crack, and result in soreness, bleeding, the development of fissures, or all three symptoms.